Members, it is with great sadness that I am stepping down after three years on the Committee and as your Co- President.
I have enjoyed both periods that I have been a Co- President, the first time with Sue B in 2020-1 and then with Carol M from 2022. Margaret Q valiantly stepped in for the intervening period during lockdown. It has been challenging at times with the ongoing changes with the NFWI and adjustments to be made post lockdown. In my time we have seen this replacement website established, a number of WI events, and new friendships formed, and we are growing in number again. Sadly, over the years we have lost a number of our members, and they are in our thoughts and will not be forgotten.
NEW PUBLICITY – We have had a flier made, advertising Sanderstead WI, to be displayed on local noticeboards and we are hoping this will encourage more to come along and find out what goes on. If you have an organisation you are also involved in and could circulate our fliers please let Lee, the website manager, know and she will provide you with some copies. There is also an article about us in the current Selsdon Gazette, so please point this out to your friends and contacts. As we meet in a large hall it can easily accommodate more members so please bring along a friend to one of our meetings and to see if they would like to join us. Once they decide to there are all our friendly and interesting groups to join, listed on our Small Groups page of this website.
THANKS- My thanks to Carol, my Co- President and all who served on the Committee with me. We have had fun together and there’s always a good chat and some homemade cake after our Committee meetings. Please do consider joining the Committee, particularly if there is a role you think you could contribute to. Thank you to all who have supported me through my time in office and a special thanks to all those who help at the meetings. Without you we wouldn’t be able to hold them. I will still be a member and will continue to be the Outings Co-ordinator until April and will be coming along to meetings, groups and events so this is only a goodbye as your Co- President and Committee member.