About Us

Sanderstead WI was founded in January 1921. Initially meetings were held in the homes of members but as the group grew it moved to the URC Hall on Sanderstead Hill. The 1920s saw darning, housekeeping and handicrafts on the agenda. Several items crafted by members have been registered with the National Needlework Archive including an embroidered tablecloth from 1934, a crochet tray mat marking out Diamond Jubilee in 1981 and the banner executed in 1984. The Golden Jubilee was marked by a luncheon in All Saints Hall, tables resplendent with golden flower arrangements. The County Secretary was there to propose a toast to which Mrs. Talbot, the then President of Sanderstead WI responded. 

The rose bed by Sanderstead Library was planted to commemorate 60 years; a newspaper cutting from that time shows Gay Baldwin planting the first bush.

The year of 2021 saw our Centenary and it is hoped we will continue from strength to strength. 

Co-Presidents, Carol M became President in 2024.

We are part of the Surrey Federation of WIs and the National Federation.  To learn more about our resolutions and campaigns please visit www.theWI.org.uk/campaigns

Denman College which provided courses for WI members closed in 2020 but now runs online courses which can be found at https://learninghub.thewi.org.uk/

Your Subscription includes:


W.I. Subscriptions are collected annually in April. New members will pay a pro-rata subscription depending on the quarter in which they join. Please contact us for more information.

  • A minimum of eleven meetings a year
  • The opportunity to contribute ideas to the annual programme of speakers, activities and events
  • Eight copies per year of the WI membership magazine, WI Life
  • WI members are also able to access resources and information on the MyWI Website  and regular mailings from the NFWI
  • The Surrey Federation WI also keep members informed about the wide variety of activities it offers to members regionally